MacGourmet Release Notes

This blog documents the changes made in each version of MacGourmet. You can subscribe to it to keep up to date.

July 31, 2004

Version 1.0.0 Beta 6 is Released

This is final release candidate 1.

Changes from the previous version:

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem when making a new smart list with category selected (no change from default) and no text value which resulted in an empty popup menu.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem where sometimes pressing OK didn't create a smart list. The dialog was dismissed and nothing was created.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem creating smart list with a rating.

  • [FIXED] Fixed problem where "I have prepared this recipe" check box was not getting reset to default value after save.

  • [FIXED] Delete toolbar item now enabled for Smart Lists.

  • [FIXED] Fixed problem propagating deletions from library to all of the lists.

  • [FIXED] Automatic lists are now called Smart lists.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem with Quick Finds of more than two rows that had both "I have" and "I do not have" rows.

  • [FIXED] New Smart lists are now created with a default name that reflects the type.

July 24, 2004

Version 1.0.0 Beta 5 is Released

  • [FIXED] Clippings list is now selected and loaded before a new clipping is added, fixing a problem where clippings where not showing up correctly.

  • [FIXED] The search field selection is now properly saved and restored between sessions.

  • [FIXED] Type-ahead lists in recipe editor are now all correctly sorted.

  • [FIXED] Type-ahead list menu is now larger.

  • [FIXED] Added a larger minimum size for empty columns in Recipe and shopping list editor tables.

  • [FIXED] Added metric units to default measurements for new users.

  • [FIXED] When pasting in the My Recipes list, you no longer get two copies instead of one.

  • [FIXED] Switched Ingredients and Directions in Import Assistant list of steps.

  • [FIXED] Tables now get cleared properly if a recipe edit is canceled and the same recipe is edited again.

  • [FIXED] Cups and Cup measurements are now parsed correctly during import.

  • [FIXED] Enabled "Delete from Library" when viewing Last Import list.

  • [FIXED] New >> Shopping List From Selection menu item no longer enabled when it shouldn't be.

  • [FIXED] Export toolbar item no longer enabled when it shouldn't be.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem exporting prep times to MacGourmet formatted files.

  • [FIXED] Command-option F now selects Recipe Box search field

  • [FIXED] Fixed a refresh problem that occurred when modifying objects within an automatic list.

July 17, 2004

Version 1.0.0 Beta 4 is Released

  • [ADDED] Enabled "Delete From Library" context menu item when an Automatic list is displayed.

  • [ADDED] "My Lists" table now has "Edit Automatic List" item in context menu.

  • [ADDED] In find and automatic list window, text field now gets replaced with a true/false pop up menu when a boolean field name is selected.

  • [ADDED] Added preference to convert recipe names to mixed case when imported or edited in Recipe Import Assistant.

  • [ADDED] Recipe box Search field now offers searching on all available fields when in Recipe, Note, and Wine Note lists, and common fields when in lists that contain more than one kind of item.

  • [ADDED] Notes now have keywords to be compatible with other items.

  • [ADDED] Added Delete button for lists table, and made toolbar delete button only work for selected items in lists.

  • [ADDED] "My Cooking Notes" is now called "My Notes."

  • [ADDED] New button in toolbar no longer has menu. Now, when pressed, you will either create a new item of the appropriate type for the list, or be prompted for the type of item to create when a user-added list is selected.

  • [DATABASE ADDED] Added Days and Weeks to preparation time units.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem viewing the documentation when the application is in a folder path with spaces in the name.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem creating new shopping lists from a selection. The list is now updated correctly when a new list is added.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem updating database when items in a shopping list where changed.

  • [FIXED] Added converter to handle characters that are not currently supported by the database, including characters that represent fractions.

  • [FIXED] New item is now selected after being added to the selected list.

  • [FIXED] Default when deleting is now the non-destructive option, not the destructive one. Cancel is now tied to the return key.

  • [FIXED] What was the Recipe Import Wizard is now called the Recipe Import Assistant.

  • [FIXED] Fixed scaling 1 tablespoon when multiplying by 2.

  • [FIXED] Fixed missing images for related items when publishing items to a .Mac account.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem parsing ingredients in the Recipe Import Assistant when importing a recipe clipped from a Mac or Windows text file.

  • [FIXED] Modified labels of some toolbar items, and changed the default set.

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]