MacGourmet Release Notes

This blog documents the changes made in each version of MacGourmet. You can subscribe to it to keep up to date.

January 23, 2007

Version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 is a free maintenance release for registered users and includes the following changes:

  • Added Equipment to list of items that can be searched for in Find Recipes

  • Added degrees F and degrees C as options in the prep times list.

  • Fixed problem with weblog publishing of images and recipe files ignoring preferences settings.

  • Deleting all equipment in library browser, then adding new items no longer prevents display or list in recipe editor.

  • Fixed a problem where only items that were direct children of recipe box list could be exported.

  • Fixed a problem where shopping lists couldn't be merged using drag and drop.

  • Fixed a problem with updating a course name not propogating to open recipes.

  • Fixed an import problem that was causing an exception in recipe display.

  • Import/Export Alert no longer says "Meal-Master" when it should say "MacGourmet"

  • Fixed a problem where changing source using pop up list wasn't saving the change.

January 08, 2007

Version 2.0.0

Version 2 is a free upgrade for registered users and includes the following changes:

  • New, improved and sleeker user interface

  • Faster .Mac publishing support using the .Mac SDK

  • New display, print and .Mac publishing themes

  • Library Browser that lets you view and edit most of your database information in one place

  • Lots of new meta data like category, cuisine, course, summary, yield, source info, etc.

  • Support for Spotlight searching of items in database

  • Customizable table columns

  • More flexible recipe scaling

  • Metric conversion

  • New recipe import assistant

  • Blog posting

  • Better support for lists and sublists, including lists of smart lists

  • Previous and next navigation while editing

  • Too many other bug fixes and improvements to list

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]