Version 2.0.1
Version 2.0.1 is a free maintenance release for registered users and includes the following changes:
- Added Equipment to list of items that can be searched for in Find Recipes
- Added degrees F and degrees C as options in the prep times list.
- Fixed problem with weblog publishing of images and recipe files ignoring preferences settings.
- Deleting all equipment in library browser, then adding new items no longer prevents display or list in recipe editor.
- Fixed a problem where only items that were direct children of recipe box list could be exported.
- Fixed a problem where shopping lists couldn't be merged using drag and drop.
- Fixed a problem with updating a course name not propogating to open recipes.
- Fixed an import problem that was causing an exception in recipe display.
- Import/Export Alert no longer says "Meal-Master" when it should say "MacGourmet"
- Fixed a problem where changing source using pop up list wasn't saving the change.