MacGourmet Release Notes

This blog documents the changes made in each version of MacGourmet. You can subscribe to it to keep up to date.

September 25, 2004

MacGourmet 1.0.1 released

Version 1.0.1 is a maintenance release. The following items are changes from the previous version:

  • [ADDED] All fields can now be searched at the same time from the recipe box search field, using the "All Fields" menu item in the "My" lists.

  • [ADDED] You can now mark multiple recipes as prepared or not prepared, and rate multiple items at once from the context menu.

  • [ADDED] Column widths in recipe box outline are now saved and restored as the user navigates from one list to another during a session.

  • [ADDED] "Send Email" command has been added to context menu.

  • [ADDED] Recipe display now displays fractions using the unicode characters for the fractions, rather than plain text.

  • [ADDED] Added confirmation dialog when MacGourmet is registered using the integrated eSeller.

  • [ADDED] The last column searched in the recipe box search field is now saved and restored.

  • [CHANGED] Changed rating criteria in Find dialog to allow user to select from zero to 5 using a popup menu rather than a number in a text field.

  • [CHANGED] Changed drag icons in .Mac templates to use smaller icon, and added drag icons to wine and cooking notes.

  • [CHANGED] Changed the subject of feedback email.

  • [CHANGED] Hid the Category field that wasn't currently being used from Find and Smart List dialogs.

  • [CHANGED] The format used to email recipes has now been improved.

  • [CHANGED] The Limit checkbox in the Find and Smart List dialogs is now unchecked by default.

  • [CHANGED] Ingredient searchs now also searches the "Preparation" part of an ingredient.

  • [CHANGED] Changed copy/move behavior. It now works like this: dragging from a "My" list will create a "virtual" copy in the list dragged to, but option dragging will create an actual duplicate of the item. Drag between lists will move an item from one list to another, but option dragging will make a "virtual" copy in the destination list, so no duplicate will be created in your "My" list for the item.

  • [CHANGED] Changed text of dialog displayed when files are dragged and dropped for import.

  • [FIXED] Recipe notes are now included correctly when an email version of a recipe is generated.

  • [FIXED] The current selected item in a list is now saved and restored as the user navigates from list to list. New items are also selected correctly in the list they are added to after they are added.

  • [FIXED] Redid find query generation to fix errors and incorrect queries.

  • [FIXED] Added correct unicode support to database. Extended and international character sets should now be supported and displayed correctly.

  • [FIXED] Fixed a problem mailing certain recipes.

  • [FIXED] Smart Lists no longer run when the application is quit, making shut down faster.

  • [FIXED] Fixed problem copying an item and pasting into more than one list.

  • [FIXED] Wine notes are no longer always displaying the last URL entered, instead of the correct one.

  • [FIXED] Fixed problem with line ending conversion in recipe display.

The update is now available.

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]