MacGourmet Release Notes

This blog documents the changes made in each version of MacGourmet. You can subscribe to it to keep up to date.

April 03, 2007

Version 2.1.0

Version 2.1 is a free update for registered users and includes the following changes:

  • Added a new Mac OS X Service for one-step importing of recipes from a variety of recipe web sites.

  • MacGourmet now uses plug-ins for all import and export functionality.

  • Added export support for iPod notes, Meal-Master, text, and RTF file formats.

  • Added import support for CookWare Deluxe tab-delimited, Cook'n text, and Yum XML file formats.

  • Added Quick Fill to import assistant Set menu. Quick Fill attempts to automatically enter recipe information with one set command.

  • Holding down the option key while MacGourmet is launching now allows you to choose an existing database file, rather than loading the default database.

  • Added preference: Double-click opens editor. Unchecking this option will open a viewer when you double-click on an item instead of opening an editor.

  • Added new support for Apple Help in the Help menu.

  • Added support for posting recipes to Blogger weblogs.

  • Unicode characters in divider rows are now encoded correctly.

  • Fixed typos in categories, cuisines and equipment.

  • Web page images dragged and dropped into editor no longer incorrectly snap back.

  • Fixed a problem found when using find "doesn't contain" criteria.

  • Clippings can now be searched from the search field.

  • Courses are no longer duplicated when imported recipes have courses that are not in your database.

  • Delete key in library browser is now correctly disabled when undeleteable lists are the focus.

  • Fixed a problem importing CDKitchen generated MasterCook files.

  • Fixed a problem that caused the alert shown when a new database needs to be created to be posted twice when the quit button was pressed. Added a quit button to the location alert as well.

For help or comments: macgourmet [at]